NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade
Photography : Toby Peet
Photography : Toby Peet

1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

1 Market Street is a modern 32 A-grade level office building. It enjoys excellent natural light and boasts a 4.5-star NABERS Energy rating without GreenPower.

NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

With outstanding views across Darling Harbour and Cockle Bay, 1 Market Street is conveniently located, close to the city’s premier retail, dining, accommodation and conferencing facilities.

Newmat Australia was contracted to upgrade the lobby of this first-class building.
Before you go any higher to admire some stunning views, have a look at the light features of the concierge booth as well as the café and banquets joineries: the LED lighting and translucent membranes have been supplied and installed by our care and craftsmanship.

NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

And if you do take the lift, Newmat Australia‘s immaculate recess stretch ceiling on the passageway will send you off with its warm and welcoming effect.

NEWMAT Australia: Stretch Ceiling Supplier | 1 Market St Lobby Upgrade

Newmat Australia had the pleasure to bring some light to Davenport Campbell‘s vision and lighting expertise of Electrolight while working along with Robsin Electrical and FDC Building.
We’d also like to thank Toby Peet for capturing these fantastic images.